Legal Notice

Site publisher

Trois Soleils, SARL, an independent company,
Hertz franchisee for motorhome rental
Share capital: €20,000.00 
380 916 114 RCS PARIS
Registered office
75019 PARIS
Telephone number: 01 44 52 16 20


Website production 

Technical design & development :

Registered office: 163 Quai du Dr. Dervaux
92600 Asnières-sur-Seine
Telephone: 01 41 40 11 00
Share capital: €814,314.88


Publishing director

Stéphane GIGOU


Website hosting 

ALTER WAY, SAS, simplified joint stock company
Share capital: €1,870,890.00 
490 932 308 RCS Nanterre
Registered office
SIRET : 49093230800037


Photo credits

Photographic library Trois Soleils - Getty Images - Photos Alain Reynaud 

Freepik images: freepik, wirestock, senivpetro, kotkoa, tawatchai07, standret,, unaihuiziphotography



All elements contained on the site (software, texts, images, animated or not, sounds, know-how, and more generally any type of data) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and are the property of Trois Soleils and are subject to the laws protecting copyright as soon as they are made available to the public on the site. 

No licence, nor any right other than that of consulting the site, is granted to anyone with regard to intellectual property rights.

Reproductions, on paper or electronically, of the site and the works and models reproduced therein are authorised provided that they are strictly intended for personal use, excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes, and/or that they comply with the provisions of article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes, without the express prior authorisation of Trois Soleils, is expressly prohibited.


Distinctive signs

The names, corporate names, logos, acronyms, products and brands mentioned on the site are the property of Trois Soleils, and/or are used by Trois Soleils with the authorisation of their owner. Consequently, any reproduction, copy, adaptation, publication, distribution, broadcasting or use, on any medium whatsoever, of the said protected elements or trademarks, which has not been previously authorised by Trois Soleils, is strictly forbidden.

Any creation of a link to this web server is subject to the prior and express authorisation of Trois Soleils. This authorisation may be withdrawn at any time by Trois Soleils, without the latter having to justify its decision to do so.



The information appearing on the site is given for information only. It is believed to be correct at the time you view it. Trois Soleils cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on this site. Trois Soleils endeavours to keep the site up to date and reserves the right to correct its content at any time without notice.

You assume the entire risk of relying on the information. In no event shall Trois Soleils be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from your reliance on this information, or from your use of this information, or from your use of any product referred to in this information. 

Trois Soleils declines all responsibility in the event of interruption of the site (technical incident on the server), external attacks (bugs, modification of the contents following a cyber-attack, etc), inaccuracy of the information put on line and any prejudice caused by a third party or by a case of force majeure.    

The hypertext links set up on the site may lead the user to other sites. It is specified that Trois Soleils has not verified all the sites that may be linked to its own, their content and the information contained therein, and invites the user, under its own responsibility, to validate the conformity, accuracy, completeness and/or legality of the information and/or content to which they have access on these sites. Consequently, Trois Soleils declines all responsibility for the content and services offered on sites accessed via hyperlinks from its site and for the use made of such sites by the user. The user is solely responsible for accessing these sites.



TROIS SOLEILS: 100 Rue Petit 75019 PARIS, Mandataire d'intermédiaire d'assurance, registered with the orias under number 22000366, ORIAS website:

Activity placed under the supervision of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR), 4 place de Budapest - CS 92459 -75436 Paris cedex 09.

TROIS SOLEILS has no capital ties with any insurance company.


Link to privacy policy

Clé véhicule neuf
New and under-warranty vehicles

Travel in a motorhome, RV or campervan less than a year old, under manufacturer's warranty.

International Assistance & Insurance

Leave with complete peace of mind with Hertz Trois Soleils assistance and vehicle insurance.

agences location
23 agencies in France

Take advantage of the proximity of our 23 agencies throughout France to pick up your motorhome.